The Explainer
5 Dangerous Foods For Women’s Hair

5 Dangerous Foods For Women’s Hair

Acidic foods like pickles and vinegar-based sauces create an acidic environment in your body, which destroys healthy cells that support hair follicles. This results in weak and fragile locks which are easily damaged.

Bright orange fruits and veggies contain b-carotene, which your body converts to vitamin A for healthy scalp moisture and glandular production of oil. Folate is also present in leafy greens such as bok choy or spinach for additional B9 benefits.

1. Alcohol

Alcohol can be extremely dehydrating for your body, particularly your scalp and hair follicles. The result can be dry, brittle hair that easily breaks off, as well as interference with zinc metabolism – essential to the health of hair growth. Drinking too much alcohol may cause your scalp to secrete more oil as a means to compensate for its lack of hydration, leading to oilier-than-usual locks.

On your next night out, try sipping water or healthy juice instead of alcohol to enhance the benefits for both hair and body. Regular alcohol consumers may notice their skin is significantly dryer due to increased inflammation caused by drinking too much.

2. Low in Protein

If your diet lacks enough protein, the lack of this nutrient could cause your body to break down muscle tissue for energy and have adverse effects on hair. Women should prioritize getting enough protein through beef, eggs, dairy and leafy greens such as bok choy, kale and spinach as a source of this essential nutrient. Fish is another good source as its vitamin D levels and omega-three fatty acid content promote healthy hair and skin.

Sweet potatoes, squash and carrots are rich sources of beta carotene – an important source of vitamin A which aids the body in producing sebum oil for healthy scalp sebum production. You’ll also find this nutrient in nuts like Brazil nuts and walnuts as well as whole grains such as quinoa.

3. Fast Food

While eating fast food may seem harmless in moderation, overindulging can be damaging for your hair’s health. Many fast food meals contain excessive fat and sugar content that can result in dry strands and an oily scalp. Furthermore, many of these oily meals overstimulate oil glands on your scalp leading to dandruff and blocked hair follicles. In order to support hair health it’s better to opt for foods rich in nutrients and healthy fats such as sweet potatoes carrots squash orange vegetables or chickpeas which contain vitamin B9 which are essential nutrients for hair health – try swapping some high fat fast foods out for nutritious alternatives such as these instead!

4. Swordfish

Mercury from coal-fired power plants is released into the environment through emissions and is then deposited on oceans and waterways where bacteria convert it to methylmercury, which accumulates in fish, and can be harmful for human consumption. Both FDA and EPA advise women who are pregnant or breastfeeding to limit consumption of shark, swordfish, tilefish and king mackerel due to high mercury concentration levels in them.

Swordfish is an excellent source of niacin and vitamin B12. Niacin plays an essential role in supporting nervous system, skin, digestive tract health as well as normal blood cell formation and DNA synthesis processes. Vitamin B12 ensures optimal cell function and reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Swordfish is an excellent source of selenium, an antioxidant which fights free radicals and enhances bone health while improving sleep quality and tranquility.

5. Sugary Foods

Sugary food intake can have devastating consequences for your hair. Sugar disrupts chemical balance within the body that promotes healthy hair growth and damages the scalp by making essential nutrients more difficult to reach the hair follicles from bloodstream.

Foods high in fat should also be avoided to keep hair luscious and vibrant; women on intensive low-fat diets often notice their locks are dry and lifeless. Instead, Greene suggests embracing whole, healthy fats found in avocados, eggs, fish and nuts which not only benefit your hair, but will also support skin and heart health.

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