The Explainer
Top 5 Best Value Antarctica Cruise Trips

Top 5 Best Value Antarctica Cruise Trips

Finding the ideal Antarctic voyage depends on your goals. For instance, to ensure safe passage across Drake Passage (1C ice class), and sufficient tools to support deep exploration.

Tour operators spend their days navigating prices that change more frequently than ice floes in Antarctica. Their expertise allows them to identify great deals and inform you about flash sales.

1. Antarctica & the Falkland Islands

No matter if you choose sailing the Drake Passage or taking an air cruise from Punta Arenas, both options offer time and cost-cutting advantages on this voyage. A ten day itinerary departing Ushuaia includes flights to King George Island before sailing aboard Magellan Explorer with exterior-facing cabins featuring one of Antarctica’s highest guide-to-guest ratios and inclusive rates that include accommodations, meals, onboard activities, beverages and Wi-Fi service – while tips, transfers or excursions will incur extra fees.

Add the Falkland Islands and South Georgia for an immersive travel experience, though a longer expedition requires additional time and budget. December offers optimal conditions for Drake Passage crossings, glacier calvings, seal pups and penguin chick hatching – plus increased whale sightings!

2. Antarctica & South Georgia

Cheap Antarctic cruises typically include Zodiac tours and shore landings; however, if you wish to go kayaking, scuba diving, camping or any of the other activities mentioned below you will incur an additional cost.

Begin your Antarctic exploration from Ushuaia or Buenos Aires by sailing towards the Falkland Islands, South Georgia and Antarctic Peninsula – each destination offering something truly breathtaking to see: towering glaciers and icebergs; penguin colonies at their best with courtship displays or even male penguins ‘carrying’ their eggs; you will explore its fascinating flora and fauna carefully preserved; learn about exploration history while sailing through Drake Passage for added thrills of adventure!

3. Antarctica & the Antarctic Peninsula

Antarctica cruises can range from luxurious to rugged experiences, depending on your preference. While the price may seem steep at first, travel companies offer discounts such as two-for-one deals, airfare subsidies and shipboard credits to offset some of the expenses for this once-in-a-lifetime journey.

The Antarctic Peninsula, lying just north of the Antarctic Circle, is one of the easiest and cheapest regions to access on Earth. Therefore, it makes an ideal spot for wildlife viewing with breathtaking iceberg vistas, stunning fjords, penguin colonies, krill-rich waters where weddell leopard seals congregate, as well as weddell, leopard seals and southern elephant seals congregating there.

November and March provide excellent value when visiting Antarctica’s Peninsula, as weather conditions are ideal and you’ll experience sunrises and sunsets that don’t happen as close to December’s summer solstice.

4. Antarctica & the South Shetland Islands

One of the most immersive Antarctica cruise trips on this list, this ten day expedition to Antarctica and South Shetland Islands will take you further south than any other voyage on this list. Prices begin at approximately US$13,350 per person and include cabin accommodations (based on double occupancy), all meals onboard ship activities & entertainment as well as wine & spirits onboard beverages including gratuities & airport transfers.

Silversea, known for their luxurious voyages, recently ventured into expedition cruise industry with this itinerary. Unlike most trips to Antarctica, this trip bypasses the Drake Passage by flying directly to King George Island in South Shetland Islands before sailing there instead of sailing via Drake Passage – saving two days each way on your voyage and making this option ideal for travelers searching for value expedition cruises to Antarctica.

5. Antarctica & the South Orkney Islands

There’s only one cost-effective way to visit Antarctica: taking a sail-by cruise. These itineraries bypass the Drake Passage – an open ocean stretch which can cause your ship to rock violently – allowing passengers to instead view icebergs and penguin colonies from within a comfortable cruise ship environment.

If you want to go ashore, select a trip operated by a company which adheres to the guidelines established by the International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators. Your guides, naturalists, and expedition leaders should know exactly how close to whales they can get while still protecting penguin colonies from disruption.

Longer trips to South Georgia and the Falkland Islands offer wildlife enthusiasts an excellent chance to see emperor penguin colonies.

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